Saturday, March 25, 2017

Bekaert Deslee Presents Beautiful Textiles

Camilla Franklin and Megan Adams of textile industry leader Bekaert Deslee joined PhilaU Textile Design students on campus on Weds. March 22nd and Thursday March 23rd.  Designers Camilla and Meg presented their beautiful woven and knitted mattress fabrics to students in Jacquard/Advanced Jacquard.  They also shared their career paths and industry experiences with our students.  Meg is a PhilaU Textile Design alum (welcome back Meg!). 

On Thursday March 23rd, Camilla and Meg spent the full day participating in Design Expo, an annual hiring fair held on campus.  Thanks to Meg and Camilla for their great support, wonderful fabrics and lovely insights into the exciting field of textile design. 

1 comment:

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