A funny article about "yarn tagging" was posted by the Philadelphia
By Chelsea Conaboy
Inquirer Staff Writer
The magnolia tree on the north side of Rittenhouse Square looks as if it were plucked from a Dr. Seuss book. Its split trunk is wrapped in a whimsical sweater of pinks, blues, purples, and oranges.
The tree cozy is the work of Jessie Hemmons, 23, a graduate student in psychology at Chestnut Hill College and census worker - and a graffiti artist with a soft side.
Hemmons is part of a growing trend of rogue knitters who have taken their "yarnbombing" to the street to brighten the cityscape. She ties crocheted flowers to lampposts, wraps bike racks with rainbow-colored covers, and gave the Rocky statue a scarf.
Her motivation is simple.
"Times are tough," Hemmons said. "People want to see something bright and pretty."
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Submitted by Marcia Weiss